Dirty Knobs – FRISSON


FRISSON is Dirty Knobs’ return to the longform drone. A single midrange tone slowly evolving, de- and re-tuning endlessly, a shell of static undertones rising and pulsing around it. The sound of light speeding through empty space, of shapes rising from ocean depths, of swarms of sparks drifting down. A desperate, disconsolate wail. A bright wall of life pressing in. Voices in the fan. A total break from reality and a centering guide back to it.

Dirty Knobs – Songs About Everything Dying Around Us, Including Us


Videos for each song can be found here: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFE6HOhuWrBpB9THrX9vdmH_WQ2GY3AgI

Below is something of an explanation of what each song means to me, but you may find other interpretations. I would hope so, at least.

“Sticks on Skins”
A friendly glow rides a muted rhythm, approaching through the mists, illuminating a larger, endless expanse.

“Older than Bones”
Before there were bones, mountain ranges and vast oceans ebbed and flowed under the wind.

“The Seal Cannot Be After the Doorway”
The cows have left the barn. The cat’s out of the bag. The genie is out of the bottle. You can’t put toothpaste back in the tube. The door is open behind us.


“More Fire in More Places”
An alarm sounds, but it’s already here.

“Strange Years”
Sit. Take five minutes for yourself. And five for everything you’ve lost.

Everything by Zac Bentz (ASCAP)

released May 31, 2024

Dirty Knobs – MUSIC PRODUCT: Sounds for no audience.


“MUSIC PRODUCT: Sounds for no audience. (Side effects may include wisps, new colors, and unwanted feelings of hope.)” is the third in a series of ongoing meditative explorations from auditory atmospherist Zac Bentz, aka Dirty Knobs. Following on the heels of the much darker “666666SUPERSATAN,” the three gentle pieces in this collection are interconnected by the same base tones, with each piece teasing out new layers and interactions while adding their own unique elements.

Everything by Zac Bentz

Dirty Knobs – 666666SUPERSATAN


released January 6, 2023

Three extended dark meditations. Rituals, summonings, incantations, trance-inducing mantras, temporary escape hatches. All elements were recorded live, though not necessarily together at the same time. No “loops” in the traditional sense, and almost no editing. Captured moments in time to be re-released as needed. Maybe to bring a little fire into frozen places.

Everything by Zac Bentz.

Dirty Knobs – MUSIC PRODUCT: Sounds for black hole tourism.


Dirty Knobs – MUSIC PRODUCT: Sounds for Black Hole Tourism.
(Side effects may include total perspective, roundabouts, and poor films.)

released September 2, 2022

Everything by Zac Bentz.

Dirty Knobs – MUSIC PRODUCT: Sounds to facilitate creativity.


Dirty Knobs – MUSIC PRODUCT: Sounds to facilitate creativity.
(Side effects may include wealth, adoration, and eventual ruin.)

We seem to be nearing the event horizon when all “content” is generated by an AI to suit our exact needs in the moment. An infinite playlist of moods. At its best, this could help us focus, or get through a tough time. At its worst it could easily turn us into nothing more than revenue streams until we burn out like overused rechargeable batteries. (Hmmm…maybe a good idea for a movie franchise…)

That’s where the concept and title of this release comes from. However the music within it is anything but artificially generated. All core elements were performed on analog equipment (without using sequencers) and captured live. It was made using a new discreet, easily portable “instrument” I finally managed to complete. A modular analog Eurorack system. Rather small compared to most, yet capable of producing its own galaxy of sounds. (Though I will admit that track 4 uses an additional outside effect pedal.)

Hopefully there will be more in this series. I wanted to wait until I had a couple more compiled before releasing them but let’s be honest, tomorrow is a wish until we’re there. Let’s not wait.

Thank you for your support. I hope you can share this with anyone who could use it.

released June 10, 2022

Everything by Zac Bentz (ASCAP)
©2022 Xero Music

Zac Bentz – Love’s Haunted Twin


I’ve been recording music since 1993 under various monikers. One of them, Dirty Knobs, was originally a minimalist glitch project started in 1999. In 2011 it was reborn as an experiment in dark ambient and drone with the eight hour long album Field Recordings from the Edge of Hell, which received praise worldwide. Since then, Dirty Knobs has released dozens of albums spanning all realms of ambient, drone, soundscapes, cinematic soundtracks, and more, often exploring themes of deep time, vast space, hauntology, hermitage, and stillness.

After well over a hundred releases under several pseudonyms, Love’s Haunted Twin is the first full length album to be released under my own name. I figured it was high time to shed the protection offered by other guises and admit that this is all just me in the end. To that end, LHT takes cues from the bite sized sci-fi jingles of STATION IDENT as well as the massive droning expanse of Dirty Knobs, and hints of the electro pulses of The Electric Witch. It’s heavily influenced by Aphex Twin’s SAW vol 2, Daniel Avery & Alessandro Cortini’s collaborations, and a bit of Ian William Craig.

Scheduled for an early Valentine’s Day release (12022021), this album also falls on the ten year anniversary of the aforementioned Field Recordings from the Edge of Hell. Taking it a step further, the album art shares the image of the cherubic, enigmatically named Mary Jane that dominates the cover of Field Recordings. Love’s Haunted Twin sees her reunited with her twin sister. (Both sisters preside over two otherwise unmarked graves.) Thematically, where Field Recordings is an expansive, oppressive study of imagined beauty of the underworld, Love’s Haunted Twin gazes into the smaller reality of things lost, be they living, hoped for, or promised. A pop/ambient hybrid that smears persistent pasts and failed futures into ghostly reveries.


released February 12, 2021

Everything by Zac Bentz (ASCAP).
©2020 Xero Music

Xero Music – The Xero Music Hour Archives

This is the archive of The Xero Music Hour, a weekly ambient(ish) music program featuring the artists of Xero Music (aka Zac Bentz). It ran from May 20th, 2020 to August 29th, 2021.

Track list is in each track’s info. All music can be found elsewhere on this page.

released September 4, 2020

Dirty Knobs – The Breakdown of Edith D_

Pressure. Uncertainty. Paranoia. Amplified by an overcrowded, remorseless city. A perviously unseen but always suspected malevolent existence begins to seep through the darkest cracks in the concrete, and Edith D. begins to lose her mind. Voices, rot, and a leering figure pursue her. What she sees in blinding, disorienting flashes sends her careening out of the city, into the countryside, where she is far from alone. Exhausted, consumed, Edith D. abandons her fear, emerging on the other side of

Music and cover design by Zac Bentz.
Cover artwork by Amy Abts: www.etsy.com/shop/aasartshop
©2020 Xero Music


Long ago, a broadcast network was established across the galaxy. Each of the 78 stations played a unique identification signal across the network once a day as a sort of “hello.”

As the universe inevitably expanded, these stations fell into disrepair. Many maintained their integrity for quite a while, while others quickly became corrupted and haunted. A small number, left to their own devices, came alive only to find something missing, never knowing what had been lost.

These “hello” signals, known as the STATION IDENT, continue to be played as the stations decay. This collection, the second of three, hopes to preserve those signals in whatever state possible, before their inevitable dissolution.

VOLUME 01: zacbentz.bandcamp.com/album/volume-01

released March 20, 2020

©2020 Xero Music
Everything by Zac Bentz (ASCAP)