The 12 Days of Dronemas – Day 1

The 12 Days of Dronemas begins today!

Every day for the next 12 days a different Dirty Knobs album will be made available for FREE. From the 8+ hour goliath Field Recordings from the Edge of Hell to the quantum-scale Higgs Boson and more, you can experience all of the time-bending, ear-obliterating gloom for free. Grab them for yourself or gift them to a friend (or pay what you want if you’d like…everything goes directly into making more music.)

Oh, and speaking of Field Recordings from the Edge of Hell, that’s the first 12 Days of Dronemas selection! Listen to it and get it for free now!

To keep track of which album is made free and when, follow Dirty Knobs on FacebookTwitterTumblr or on the blog. We won’t be bothering you here again for a while.

AS AN ADDED BONUS, all three albums from The Electric Witch are free right now and will remain so for all 12 days. Enjoy the dream-synth Nintendo nostalgia of NEScapism, the synth-noir of Assassin and the bleak-pop of …So We Burn right now for free. (And again, we recommend sending them as a gift! THEY don’t need to know they’re free, right?) And follow TEW on FBTWTB and the blog as well for news on the next album, out soon?

Thank you for making this past year remarkable. More is on the way, thanks entirely to your support. Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

‡ Zac ‡ Xero Music ‡ Dirty Knobs ‡ The Electric Witch ‡

One thought on “The 12 Days of Dronemas – Day 1

  1. Pingback: Xero Music | The 12 Days of Dronemas – Day 2

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